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DENN announces the extension of its standard warranty to two years for all its range of machinery, as a new proof of reliability.
- Warranty conditions apply for the free delivery of non wear and tear parts, to the customer’s facilities at no charge.
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DENN closed its participation at FABTECH 2017 in Chicago last week with a great success of interest from existing and new customers.
We were exhibiting our last development in shear spinning technology, with the NTR-100/30 spinning lathe, including Industry 4.0 features. This unit was acquired in the Fair by a customer that confirmed that the characteristics and flexibility of the installation fitted with its production requirements.
Here we show the complete team with the NTR-100/30
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Industrias Puigjaner – DENN will show at booth 38, Hall B, its competitive spinning lathe model ZENN-100; which will be used by our operators to make live demos with real parts.
The ZENN-100 model, one of the most popular spinning lathes all over the world, is a very versatile unit and a user friendly machine, thanks to its powerful and intuitive Human Machine Interface, DENN-CAD, which allows an easy and quick programming, and smooth and effective operation. Productivity is assured with the ZENN-100.
We will be glad to meet you in our booth together with our representatives Mssrs. Formetal
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Following its commitment with the Corporate Social Responsibility, INDUSTRIAS PUIGJANER – DENN, leader in Metal Spinning and Flow Forming Machines and Technologies, has taking part in the program RSE.Pime, set up by the Organization Respon.cat (http://www.respon.cat/en/ ), that promotes Identification, establishing and improvement of Best Practices in Sustainable Competitiveness based in CSR.
DENN has its workforce and collaborators at the centre of its core values, establishing initiatives focused in the calendar and hourly flexibility, with the goal of making possible the conciliation of professional and personal life.
Related to Environmental policies, it is important to highlight that the DENN Portfolio is composed by chip less mechanization machinery, so avoiding material waste and further recycling management and necessities. Also important is the focus on measures of energy consumption control and reduction in all DENN production machinery program; measure that improves all its life cycle time.
Finally it is also significant to point the long record of DENN in the engagement with the social and economic environment, with a number of joint projects with regional technology centres, local administration; and with a ring of local suppliers which are selected, among others, under criteria of social sustainability and sensitivity with CSR.
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On last June 2nd took place the closing day of the II FORUM INDUSTRIA 4.0; organized by the commission “Industry 4.0” of the joint Engineers College of Catalonia. Among its Agenda, the ruling on the winner of the first issue of the “Industria4.0” Prize; to acknowledge the companies that are endeavouring in innovative projects into the Industry 4.0 frame, in Catalonia.
In this first issue, 4 companies were selected as finalists, to show to the interested audience their proposals in this field: new technologies that can lead to new business models.
Finalists were ENGIDI, an start-up that develops apps for the personal safety in the industry, INDUSTRIAS PUIGJANER – DENN, presenting its challenging project DENN DATA; SALICRU, with its project ODISSEY to digitize its whole range of SAI devices; and SEAT; showing its project in education 4.0 for the automotive industry.
From DENN's side – leader in Machinery for metal deformation by rotary means -, it was Blanca Puigjaner, Director of Projects, who presented the DENN DATA, a project made in cooperation with TECNALIA, Research Centre in the Basque Country. This system collects, and stores in the cloud, all data remotely gathered from the last generation of machinery – heavily equipped with sensors -, made by DENN. The goal is to get a complete analysis of the machines, to optimize energy consumption, absolute and per part fabricated, improve working cycle times to boost productivity and customer profit margins. Same in this direction, the analysis makes much easier a policy of predictive and preventive maintenance, preventing non programmed stops and increasing even more the OEE of DENN machines.
Once made all 4 presentations, the jury made public the ruling of the prize, which was awarded to INDUSTRIAS PUIGJANER – DENN project, and delivered to DENN’s CEO, Mr. Joan F. Puigjaner, by Mr. Jordi Puigneró, Secretary of Telecommunications, Cybersecurity and Digital Society of Catalan Government.
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The French industry for Spinning and Flow forming processes, among most demanding in Europe, has received with great interest the presentation of the last addition to DENN production program, the “NTR” series of spinning lathes. This machine, with a modern design, has the well-known user friendly HMI, optimized cycle times, and complete safety systems from the market leader. To these advantages, DENN has added the “INDUSTRY 4.0” capabilities, developed for the first time in our market, DENN once again ahead of the competition. Among other features, the DENN system tracks energy consumption, process patterns and parameters, working cycles, preventive diagnosis, et al. All of them can be traced in order to be improved, and allowing for a quicker return of investment.
During the Exhibition, we have given away an offering to all our visitors, mare right away in the NTR spinning lathe.